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Summer Bulbs For A Shady Garden

Do you have a shady property but long for the uniqueness, ease of growing, and beauty that only bulbs can offer? There’s no reason to give up hope. Did you know that there are bulbs for just about every garden situation? 

Let us introduce you to some summer bulbs for the shady garden that can provide a burst of color, drama, and excitement to an otherwise drab and dreary area. 


Gorgeous in cool, shady spaces, caladiums will make a significant impact on the darker areas of the garden, where it is a challenge to introduce color. These bold ornamentals display large dramatic leaves that are either lance-like, arrow, or heart-shaped. While some caladiums can grow as much as 24 inches high and wide, dwarf cultivars are also available to plant in smaller gardens. Caladiums may be grown in containers and are ideally placed on a shady porch to brighten up this outdoor living space. Caladiums possess stunning, boldly patterned leaves in a mix of colors and hues, including green, white, pink, red, and cream. They often display flamboyant patterns, veining, spots, or flecks on the leaves, making them even more breathtaking. Caladiums prefer shade to dappled shade. They are tropical plants that must be lifted for the winter unless you are gardening in zones 9 to 11. 

Elephant Ears

Large and in charge is how we describe elephant ears. This plant group is perfect for planting in both shady garden beds and containers. Some cultivars of this impressive tropical plant can reach eight to ten feet tall, with their mammoth leaves measuring up to three feet across. There are also smaller dwarf varieties that get only one to three feet in height. The elephant ear foliage can be striking with solid colors and bi-colors, and some with eye-catching markings in shades of chartreuse, emerald, blue-green, deep burgundy, and almost black. Some newer, fancy varieties have even added cream and pink, showcased in remarkable patterns, added to the repertoire of colors.

Elephant ears thrive and grow rapidly once the heat and humidity of summer kicks in. They prefer either part shade or filtered sun. They love moisture, and some even do well in marginally wet soil. Due to their size and form, these plants look their best when planted in an area sheltered from strong winds. As with caladiums, elephant ears are tropical plants that must be lifted for the winter unless you are gardening in zones 9 to 11. 

Tuberous Begonias

Bright and beautiful tuberous begonias set a shady site on fire! There is great variety in this collection of plants. The intensely colored blooms come in single or double forms resembling a camelia or carnation flower. They are borne in brilliant shades of yellow, orange, red, salmon, pink, and white. The leaves are also spectacular, glossy deep green, and pleasantly serrated. Perfect for planters, window boxes, and hanging baskets, tuberous begonias flourish in the shade where few other flowering plants will bloom. Plant in groups for an appearance of a larger plant with a greater appeal in the garden. Keep the flowers coming all summer long by planting tuberous begonias in moist but well-draining soil and regularly fertilizing. These plants are hardy only in zones 9 & 10 and must be lifted for the winter when gardening in all other zones. 

There’s no reason to be frustrated by a shady area now that you have the knowledge to create a vibrant, colorful, and lush garden with summer bulbs. It’s as easy as Dig. Drop. Done!

May 01, 2024