210 Montauk Hwy Speonk, NY 11972
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Fruits & Vegetables

Strawberries: Home Grown in Hanging Baskets

Do you grow strawberries? Ripe, sweet, juicy strawberries are the number one favorite fruit in the US and are definitely worth the garden space. However, if you have a small or limited growing space, raising strawberries in hanging baskets offers a creative and space-saving solution while adding a decorative touch to outdoor areas. Benefits of…

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Growing Onions From Sets

Onions are arguably the most widely used vegetable worldwide, with over 20 billion pounds grown yearly. More often than not, onions are used to flavor food rather than eaten alone. They are the perfect addition to all sorts of savory dishes in just about every culture. In recipes, the bulbs may be used whole, sliced,…

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Magnificent Microgreens

“Eat your greens,” they say, which is good advice. Greens are nutritious and rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K. They supply necessary minerals to the diet, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants. Greens are also low in carbohydrates. The perfect food, greens are…

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