210 Montauk Hwy Speonk, NY 11972
(631) 801-2814    [email protected]


Valentine Gifts From the Garden Center

Valentine’s Day is all about love, and if you love gardening, there’s no better place to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gifts than the garden center. Whether the gifts are for that someone special in your life or just to show some love to yourself or your garden, you can find a wide array of…

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Flirting with Spring

In January and February, winter flirts with spring on occasional warm days. Quince, Forsythia, and Pussy Willow begin to emerge from dormancy. With this slight swelling of buds, it is time to cut a few branches to bring spring indoors!

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Winter Houseplant Care

With programmable thermostats, double-paned windows, and other tricks, we are able to keep our homes at the same climatic comfort level year-round. Indoor houseplants, however, can be sensitive to subtle seasonal changes. Even in a balanced home environment, proper winter houseplant care is essential to help plants thrive through this challenging season. Winter Changes in…

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Winter Composting the 3-Bucket Way

It’s cold outside and the compost pile is frozen. Do you really feel like hauling kitchen scraps out into the winter wasteland only to have them picked through by scavengers when there isn’t enough bacteria available to break them down? Fortunately, there is an alternative. Keep your kitchen scraps cooking this winter and producing buckets…

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Easy-to-Grow Indoor Herbs for Winter

Even though it may be miserable weather outside, don’t be stuck having to buy overpriced fresh herbs at the store or using dried. Why not grow your own inside the house? Most common herbs will grow quite happily in a sunny window. Your kitchen may be the perfect spot. After all, it’s probably warm and sunny there.

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Insect Control Begins Now

It’s hard to think of insects in winter, but don’t forget the havoc these tiny creatures can bring to your garden – defoliating leaves, contaminating produce, even destroying complete plants. Before these pests begin to be a problem is the perfect time to take steps to control them. Why Winter Control? Late winter is the…

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Early Spring-Blooming Perennials

When winter is long and dreary, it can seem like your precious flowerbeds will never burst into life again. Early spring flowers, however, are precious proof that winter is on its way out, and some can even bloom in bright, cheerful colors right through lingering snow. Yet we often forget these beauties, overcome with the…

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Magnificent Microgreens

“Eat your greens,” they say, which is good advice. Greens are nutritious and rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K. They supply necessary minerals to the diet, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants. Greens are also low in carbohydrates. The perfect food, greens are…

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Feeding Birds in Winter

Winter is a crucial time for birds. As temperatures drop, there are no insects to eat and the natural seeds are covered with snow, and as the season lengthens, the berries and crab apples are long gone. Birds need enough food to maintain their body temperatures and must search for food from sun up to…

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Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Many pet owners are surprised to learn that some popular houseplants are toxic to pets. Fortunately, there are many beautiful, pet-friendly houseplants that can create an urban jungle that won’t endanger your pets. Top 15 Pet-Friendly Houseplants There are a variety of plants, ranging from easy-care for beginners to the more challenging for experienced growers,…

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